7:00 am
Registration and Exhibit Hall
7:30–8:10 am
Breakfast Industry-Sponsored Event
Sponsored by Madrigal Pharmaceuticals
8:10–8:20 am
Break and Exhibit Hall
8:20–8:25 am
Program Overview
Eric Esrailian, MD, MPH—UCLA
8:25–8:30 am
Program Overview
V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS—UCLA
Novel Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Moderator: Jenny Sauk, MD—UCLA
8:30–8:50 am
Il-23 Agents: How and When to Use?
Gaurav Syal, MD, MHDS—UCLA
8:50–9:10 am
S1PR Modulators: How and When to Use?
Nimisha K. Parekh, MD, MPH—UC Irvine
9:10–9:30 am
JAK Inhibitors: How and When to Use?
Nirupama N. Bonthala, MD—UCLA
9:30–9:50 am
Novel Subcutaneous Therapies: What’s Old is New Again
Jenny Sauk, MD—UCLA
9:50–10:15 am
10:15–10:30 am
Break and Exhibit Hall
Complex Medical/Surgical Issues in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Moderator: Jenny Sauk, MD—UCLA
10:30–11:00 am
J-Pouch Challenges
Gaurav Syal, MD, MHDS—UCLA
Panel: Nirupama N. Bonthala, MD—UCLA; Christina Fasulo, MS, RDN, CNSC—UCLA;
Hassan Hamandi, MD—UCLA; Mary R. Kwaan, MD, MPH—UCLA; Nimisha K. Parekh, MD, MPH—UC Irvine
11:00–11:30 am
Stricturing Crohn’s Disease
Hassan Hamandi, MD—UCLA
Panel: Nirupama N. Bonthala, MD—UCLA; Christina Fasulo, MS, RDN, CNSC—UCLA;
Mary Kwaan, MD, MPH—UCLA; Nimisha K. Parekh, MD, MPH—UC Irvine; Gaurav Syal, MD, MHDS—UCLA
11:30–11:45 am
Critical Updates in Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Moderator: Folasade P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil—UCLA
11:45–11:50 am
Overview: Critical Updates in Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Folasade P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil—UCLA
11:50 am–12:10 pm
New and Emerging CRC Screening Modalities
Wendy Ho, MD, MPH—UCLA
12:10–12:30 pm
New ASGE/ACG Colonoscopy Quality Indicators
Anthony Myint, MD—UCLA
12:30–12:50 pm
Colonoscopy Preparation Recommendations
Shida Haghighat, MD, MPH—UCLA
12:50–1:10 pm
1:10–1:20 pm
Break and Exhibit Hall
1:20–2:00 pm
Lunch Industry-Sponsored Event
Sponsored by Sanofi Regeneron
2:00–2:10 pm
Break and Exhibit Hall
Literature Update: Key Papers from the Last Year
Moderator: V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS—UCLA
2:10–2:35 pm
Updates on Endoscopy
Jennifer Kolb, MD, MS—UCLA; Alireza Sedarat, MD—UCLA
2:35–3:00 pm
Updates on Disorders of the Brain-Gut Interaction
Andrea S. Shin, MD, MSCR—UCLA;Kirsten Tillisch, MD—UCLA
3:00–3:25 pm
Updates on Small Bowel, Deep Enteroscopy and Capsule Endoscopy
Otis Stephen, MD—UCLA; Stephen Kim, MD—UCLA
3:25–3:40 pm
Break and Exhibit Hall
Live Endoscopy and Video Forum
Moderator: Adarsh M. Thaker, MD—UCLA; Jennifer Kolb, MD, MS—UCLA
3:40–5:40 pm
Stephen Kim, MD—UCLA; Danny Issa, MD—UCLA; Prasade G. Iyer, MD, MS—Mayo;
V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS—UCLA; Alireza Sedarat, MD—UCLA; Shyam Thakkar, MD—West Virginia University
5:40–5:45 pm
Program Summary
5:45–6:45 pm
Hands-On Session
7:00 am
Registration and Exhibit Hall
7:30–8:10 am
Breakfast Industry-Sponsored Event
Sponsored by Castle Biosciences
8:10–8:20 am
Break and Exhibit Hall
8:20–8:25 am
Program Overview
V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS—UCLA
Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) / Functional GI
Moderator: Lin Chang, MD—UCLA
8:25–8:45 am
Current Strategies to Diagnose and Treat Functional Dyspepsia
Andrea S. Shin, MD, MSCR—UCLA
8:45–9:00 am
Functional Dyspepsia: Case-Based Presentations and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Lin Chang, MD—UCLA; Panelists: Andrea S. Shin, MD, MSCR—UCLA; Kyle Staller, MD, MPH—Massachusetts General Hospital; Kasturi Banerjee, PhD—UCLA; Janelle Smith, MS, RD, CEDS—UCLA
9:00–9:30 am
Restricted Eating Behaviors in Patients with DGBI
Kyle Staller, MD, MPH—Massachusetts General Hospital
9:30–9:45 am
DGBI and Disordered Eating: Case-Based Presentations and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Lin Chang, MD—UCLA; Panelists: Andrea S. Shin, MD, MSCR—UCLA; Kyle Staller, MD, MPH—Massachusetts General Hospital; Kasturi Banerjee, PhD—UCLA; Janelle Smith, MS, RD, CEDS—UCLA
9:45–10:10 am
Effectively Managing Abdominal Bloating and Distension
Lin Chang, MD—UCLA
10:10–10:25 am
Bloating and Distension: Case-Based Presentations and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Lin Chang, MD—UCLA; Panelists: Andrea S. Shin, MD, MSCR—UCLA; Kyle Staller, MD, MPH—Massachusetts General Hospital; Kasturi Banerjee, PhD—UCLA; Janelle Smith, MS, RD, CEDS—UCLA
10:25–10:40 am
Break and Exhibit Hall
Esophageal Disorders
Moderator: Jenny Sauk, MD—UCLA
10:40–11:00 am
Updates to pH Testing: Lyon Consensus 2.0
Lisa D. Lin, MD, MS—UCLA
11:00–11:30 am
Jeffrey L. Conklin, MD, Keynote Address
Current Challenges and Future Advances in the Management of Barrett’s Esophagus
Prasad G. Iyer, MD, MS—Mayo Clinic
11:30–11:40 am
Pancreaticobiliary Disorders
Moderator: Stephen Kim, MD—UCLA
11:00–11:55 am
Latest Trends in the Endoscopic Management of Walled-off Pancreas Necrosis
Shyam Thakker, MD—West Virginia University of Medicine
11:55 am–12:25 pm
Who Wants a Percutaneous Drain?! Endoscopic Biliary Drainage Techniques When ERCP is Not an Option
Danny Issa, MD—UCLA
12:25–12:40 pm
Advancing Pancreatic Surgery Using the Robotic Platform
Mark D. Girgis, MD—UCLA
12:40–12:55 pm
12:55–1:05 pm
Break and Exhibit Hall
1:05–1:45 pm
Lunch Product Theater Industry-Sponsored Event
Sponsored by Ipsen
1:45–2:00 pm
Break and Exhibit Hall
Liver Disorders
Moderator: Stephen Kim, MD—UCLA
2:00–2:20 pm
Current and Future Treatments of MASLD and MASH: Friends in Arms
Sammy Saab, MD, MPH—UCLA
2:20–2:50 pm
Latest Strategies in Primary Biliary Cholangitis: Treatment Selection and Goals of Therapy
Beshoy T. Yanny, MD—UCLA
2:50–3:10 pm
Liver Disease in the Geriatric Population
Shaun Chandna, DO—Olive View-UCLA Medical Center
3:10–3:30 pm
New Definitions and Guidelines in Cirrhosis: Management Paradigm Update
Carrie R. Wong, MD, PhD—UCLA
3:30–3:50 pm
Update in Liver Transplant Patient Selection: Increasing Access to Everyone
Akshay Shetty, MD—UCLA
3:50–4:10 pm
4:10 pm